OUR WORK | Brand Relevance

Restoring California’s nature, one garden at a time

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The Ask
To build a modern, engaging and inspiring website to motivate nurseries to grow and sell locally native plants

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Calscape is on the mission to get more quality native plants into people’s gardens and help Californians restore nature and save water. To support this mission Calscape asked Propane to build a modern, engaging and inspiring website to motivate nurseries to grow and sell locally native plants, and help gardeners to select, find, reserve and grow them.

Calscape is Californina’s default resource for native plant growing information for gardeners, landscapers, designers, nurseries, agencies, scientists, and growers. It inspires thousands of Californians to become native plant enthusiasts and provides scientific information as the basis for protection of native plants, plant communities and landscapes.


  • User personas and user journeys
  • Business modeling workshop
  • Business requirements
  • UX/Experience design
  • Content strategy and content mapping
  • Visual design and iconography
  • Data consolidation and migration
  • Responsive website and CMS development and testing
  • Google analytics tracking
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The Challenge
To preserve both scientific and visual data, and present it in an engaging and inspiring way that feels human

The goal for Calscape was to preserve the scientific data and present it in an engaging and inspiring way to build the solution that resonates with their audiences and serves the needs of gardeners, nurseries, landscape professionals and scientists.

We were challenged to design the solution that helps Calscape, which is uniquely positioned at the center of the native plants enthusiast’s community, to educate their users and facilitate the connections between gardeners, landscape professionals, and nurseries.

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The Results
A transformative design with compelling visuals and invigorating content

The result of our collaboration with Calscape was a transformative redesign of their website, featuring a compelling visual and written content that increases the traffic and improves the site’s already high ranking. Newly implemented CMS system helps optimize operational efficiency for Calscape employees and volunteers and allows them to easily manage permissions and access to the website content and data editing capabilities.

Propane preserved and expanded the data and feature set and organized the information on the website in an easy to consume way across all audiences. We also built new compelling capabilities that provide value for the Calscape community.

Nurseries are now supported with a custom built inventory system that allows them to manage their inventory and list it for the Calscape site visitors to reserve plants online. Nurseries can also manage and process online reservations in Calscape.

Landscapers can list their business and showcase their services to attract clients as well as research and order the plants for their projects from the nurseries that are listed on Calscape.

Gardeners can research the plants, climate, soil, landscape, pollinators, etc. data that is relative to their location to make informed decisions and select the suitable plants to build the plant lists and order from nurseries listed on Calscape. Gardeners can also research, select, and contact the landscape professionals to get help with their projects. 
 The outcome of our collaboration with Calscape is a user-friendly platform that streamlined and enhanced the user experience and made the process of researching and reserving the plans and services efficient and frictionless.

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