OUR WORK | Community Retention

Level Up User-Generated Gaming Content

Build Loyalty
Red Queen
The Ask
Empower Gamers With No Coding Skills

Build Loyalty

Red Queen is a second screen gaming platform. Second screens offer gamers an advantage by letting them view important information in-game. Second screens can be maps, statistics, data sets, and other helpful info. Red Queen is a startup, though, working hard to become a second screen community-driven platform. They’re ambitious and needed Propane’s platform expertise. We were tasked with creating the RuneCrafter platform, which enables individuals with no coding experience to create custom second screens for their favorite games.


  • Rune Building Tool
  • Rune Marketplace
  • Analytics Dashboard
Build Loyalty
Red Queen
The Challenge
Increase Audience Usage

The gaming community is huge, spread across Steam, Twitch, PCs, platforms, etc. And the community’s coding skills vary wildly. Some are great. Some are poor. But that’s where the Red Queen platform comes in. RuneCrafters can easily create second screens using a drag-and-drop interface, with no coding experience required.

Build Loyalty
Red Queen
The Results
Smaller Barrier to Entry and Larger User Base

Architecting a platform for gamers to use game data to be their best requires orchestrating marketing, product, technology, and community solutions together in perfect harmony. Propane's vision for Red Queen helps keep our players at the top of the leaderboards through data insights.

Alex Gilbert, CEO

Our RuneCrafter tool lowers the barrier to entry, attracts new users, and allows the platform to grow exponentially.

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